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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureManish Sethi

Academic Skill - An awareness and proficiency in interdisciplinary academic skills

In this reflection I will demonstrate an awareness and proficiency in transfer, organization and inquiry. This will done by me reflecting on how these approaches to learning have been applied to my academic subjects as well as my extra curricular activities.

Learning about economics is quite interesting to me, however it is all (more or less) theory. But applying and transferring the theory into real life examples and contexts has allowed me to not only have a broader understanding of the concepts but it also has allowed me to build new perspectives due to the impact of an economic decision. For instance, earlier this year I wrote a microeconomic paper, which was about how a potential minimum wage hike would impact the food industry. More specifically, how if there was an increase in minimum wage that the impact on smaller businesses would be impacted more which may result to the small firms being shut down which is because an increase in minimum wage will increase cost of production for firms. And firms, which are smaller, have less capital, thus they will be impacted more as compared to larger firms in the food industry. Moreover, learning about the macroeconomics I was able to transfer and look at the impact of an economy’s GDP due to a state opening a new baseball stadium, which would affect the quality and quantity of factors of production in an economy. To add on, my internship at Indorama ventures last year allowed me to learn about accounting and finance such as balance sheets and dividends, which allowed me to have a strong base when it came to learning about the financial section in business. As many of the finical records I saw in the book for Indorama ventures accounts included a cash flow, which was something that I learnt in class. Also, learning about different price strategies to some extent in all my higher levels was interesting due to the different approaches each subject approaches it, however I was able to apply knowledge from each perspective which benefited me.

Through learning design in school, I was able to develop a proficient level of organization due to the intense workload from both an extensive and time-consuming internal assessment and subject tests. For instance, when I did my first draft of my criterion A for my internal assessment I was two A3 pages over the page limit, however due to completing all my work prior to the formative deadlines I was able to ensure that I would get feedback from my teacher which guided me to develop my ability to be concise which thus resulted me to doing very well for my criterion A. When writing criterion A I had to ensure that I wasn’t spending way too much time which would mean that I wouldn’t have enough time to study for other subjects and for the design tests. As a result, I set myself daily and weekly objectives for me to complete which would vary depending on the amount of work from other subjects, which allowed me to constantly be on track in not only design but my other subjects as well. Moreover, using Google drive folders to keep track of all my work and information has resulted me to ensure that I have all my information kept safely whenever I need it. To add on, also being a co-leader in a service group called “Rescued Glass” has allowed me to develop and constantly improve my organization skill, which again benefits me in both my academic and personal life.

I would proudly consider myself an “inquirer” as I am always eager to learn more and maintain excellent effort as demonstrated through my consistent years of effort roll. In every class I strive to ensure I understand everything to my best ability, where when I don’t I will ask several questions to develop my understanding. Other than studying in school I will always seek new opportunities’ to either develop or enrich my knowledge. For instance, recently I went to a two-day economics workshop, where the first day was concepts that I have already covered in class. However, the second day was content which I wasn’t taught to us yet, but due to my interest I went to the second day, which allowed me to have some base knowledge on what is coming in the near future. Moreover, this summer I will be attending a summer course in oxford, which will allow me to develop both my economic and math abilities, which will benefit me when applying to universities. Where, math being a subject that I am not as passionate about as compared to business. However, I decided to challenge myself by taking a higher math course to develop my understanding and push my boundaries where, with what I learn I can apply to my next school year in my SL math class.

Minimum wage hike in Bangkok

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